
What Is The Musical Staff

Yous're at the skilful place to know about the name of music notes. And if y'all want to acquire to read them At present, for Costless, WITH A GAME, FOLLOW THIS LINK (the link open in a new tab).


Staff, Clef, and Name of Music Notes

The name of each music note is adamant past its place on the staff…

Music notes can be written on the lines and in the spaces of the staff.
Music notes tin exist written on the lines and in the spaces of the staff.

…and the music clef placed at the starting time of this staff.

These musician mice playing Happy Birthday to You know everything about the name of music notes... except one !
These musician mice playing Happy Birthday to You know everything almost the name of music notes… except one !

Seven Notes of Music and Two Systems to Proper noun Them

There are seven notes of music and ii different systems to name the music notes: A B C D E F Yard and Do RE MI FA SOL LA SI.

The Syllabic Musical Annotation: Practise RE MI FA SOL LA SI (TI)

G Clef (Treble Clef): 17 music notes in Syllabic notation: DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI
G Clef (Treble Clef): 17 music notes in Syllabic note: DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI. Follow this link or select the image to acquire to read music notes in syllabic notation.

The origin of the syllabic notation is due to the Italian monk Guido of Arezzo (XIth century) who used the offset syllables of a Latin hymn to name the music notes and is regarded as the inventor of the mod musical notation:

Practice (or UT) – RE – MI – FA – SOL – LA – SI (TI)

Learn to read music with color notes!

All the xvi videos in syllabic notation

The Alphabetical Musical Notation: A B/H C D E F M

G Clef (Treble Clef): 17 music notes in Alphabetical notation: A B C D E F G
G Clef (Treble Clef): 17 music notes in Alphabetical notation: A B C D Eastward F G. Follow this link or select the image to learn to read music notes in alphabetic notation.

Mainly used in Anglo Saxon countries (and so in jazz), it uses the messages of the alphabet:


Learn to read music with color notes!

All the sixteen videos in alphabetic notation

The German Alphabetical Music Notes Annotation

The German music annotation uses a H and not a B (SI/TI in syllabic notation):


Music Notation and Countries

Syllabic musical notation is used past Italian, Portuguese, Greek, French, Russian, Flemish, Romanian, Spanish, Hebrew and Turkish people.

Alphabetical musical notation is used by Anglophone countries.

German Alphabetical notation is used in Deutschland, Poland, Russia, Scandinavia.

Correspondence Between the Proper name of Music Notes

Syllabic Alpha
Do C C
Re D D
Mi E E
Fa F F
Sol Chiliad Thou
La A A
Si B H

Links About Proper noun of Music Notes

Music Staff (or Stave)

The music staff (or stave) is made by five parallel horizontal lines.

Clefs – Treble, Bass, Alto, Tenor

Learn nigh the different musical clefs and which one is used for each musical musical instrument.

seven Note Values (Whole Note, Half Note, Quarter Note…)

The type (shape) of musical notes (Quarter Note, Half Annotation, Whole Annotation) fixes the note value (elapsing).

Music Rests (Whole Rest, Half Balance…)

For each notation value, there is a music residual of equivalent value.

What Is The Musical Staff,


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