
Is Caco3 Soluble Or Insoluble

The fact is calcium carbonate is insoluble and calcium bicarbonate is soluble in h2o. This immediately volition lead united states to conclude that hydration energy < lattice energy in calcium carbonate and hydration energy > lattice energy in calcium bicarbonate. This is one line answer. The ' Why ' part of the answer is detailed beneath.

Just a quick recap of Lattice energy and Hydration energy

When a polar substance similar a common salt is added in water, it is attracted by water. But when non polar oil is added in h2o, it is not attracted by polar water. The attraction between a solute and water arises from their electrostatic attraction. While a polar or ionic solute has a negatively charged and a positively charged terminate , a non polar substance has only very little surface charge because of Van der waals forces. The surface charge on non polar solutes is too little to concenter water molecules and therefore a not polar substance like oil is generally insoluble in h2o or has very piffling solubility.

How ionic compounds dissolve in water?

When an ionic substance similar sodium chloride is added into polar water, the polar molecules of both solute and solvent are attracted towards each other by electrostatic allure. The negatively charged oxygen end of water gets attracted towards positively charged sodium of sodium chloride and Na+ ion are surrounded or enveloped past O-- end of water. Similarly, the positively charged hydrogen cease of water gets attracted to chloride ion and Cl- ion is surrounded by H+ end of water molecule. This separates NaCl into two ions with h2o standing every bit partition between the two ions of NaCl and thus preventing the recombination of Na+ and Cl- ions into NaCl molecule. The hydrated Na+ and Cl- ions become office of h2o and dissolve.

Concept of lattice energy and hydration energy

In the process of dissolution of an ionic solute in water, at that place are two forces taking part in the process, [1] intra atomic attraction within a solute crystal which holds the positive and negative ions in a molecule within a crystal – this is called lattice free energy [2] inter molecular allure forces between water and solute that's the energy of water to pull the ions of solute out of crystal – earlier water molecules can do this task , energy is also required to break the hydrogen bonds between water molecules. The total free energy what is required past water to pull solute ions out of solute crystal is called hydration energy. By definition, hydration energy is the amount of energy released when 1 mole of solute ions undergo hydration. The source of this energy is the bonds water brand with solute ions while hydration. This is an exothermic process.

A solute dissolves in water when hydration energy > lattice energy.

A solute dissolves in water till it reaches an equilibrium with its dissolved ions

NaCl(s) = Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

When this equilibrium reaches that becomes the solubility of solute in water at that temperature.

Any action that promotes more contact between solute and solvent molecules increases solubility of solute.

Central factors

Particle size of solute

A small molecule because of its large surface expanse promotes more than contact with solvent than a large molecule with smaller expanse, therefore, small molecules are more soluble.


Stirring brings solute and solvent molecules closer and provides more contact and therefore , stirring speeds up dissolution of solute in a solvent.


Increase of temperature increases kinetic energy of both solvent and solute particles generating more collisions and hence more contact and therefore increases solubility. In that location are substances which have temperature inverse solubility. That is yet, a different discipline and there is no scope to discuss hither.

Coulomb's law

The force of allure between oppositely charged ions in a solute follows Coulomb's constabulary: F = k * q1 * q2 / r2, where F represents the force of attraction in Newtons, q1 and q2 represents the charges of the ii ions in coulombs, r represents the distance between the ions' nuclei in meters and yard is a proportionality constant. This is lattice energy indicator.

Calcium carbonate vs calcium bicarbonate solubility in h2o

In case of calcium carbonate, CaCO3, both Ca and CO3 ions have two charges each. Q1*Q2 = four, while, in case of calcium bicarbonate, Ca(HCO3)2 , Ca ion has two positive accuse while HCO3 ion has one negative charge, Q1*Q2 = ii. The distance between 2 nucleus, r , in both is nearly same. This makes constructive attraction forcefulness betwixt Ca and CO3 ions almost twice of that exists between Ca and HCO3 ions.

F(calcium carbonate) is almost two times more than F(calcium bicarbonate)

Since the allure force between in Ca and CO3 ions are much larger than Ca and HCO3 ions, water cannot pull calcium and carbonate ions out of the calcium carbonate crystal to hydrate them into solution as easily every bit calcium bicarbonate. Primarily, in case of calcium carbonate, the lattice free energy is more than calcium bicarbonate, therefore, insufficiently, calcium bicarbonate is more soluble than calcium carbonate.

Is Caco3 Soluble Or Insoluble,


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